1446 year 26 Рамазон | 2025 year 26 march, wednesday
The new mosque will be opened soon in the Sorting area of Ekaterinburg, allowing Muslims of the region to perform prayers. It was announced during the meeting of the Ural Mukhtasibat that was held in the mosque, according to islam.ru. The chairman Arthur Hazrat Mukhetdinov showed the participants more...

1012 09:38 / 22.01.2020
A severe fire occurred on Monday this week in the village of Tashkapur in the Dagestan Levashinsky district, islam.ru reported.A fire broke out in a twostory house. It had completely burned out the second floor of the house and the roof. Fortunately, there were no victims besides the property of more...

843 14:56 / 17.01.2020
The Ayatollah Khoei Islamic Centre London hosted the event.Thirtytwo Qaris from different cities competed in the categories of Tarteel and Tajweed recitation of the Quran.They competed in three age groups of 710, 1115, and 1623 years.Winners were awarded at the closing ceremony at the institute, which was attended by a number of scholars and Quran experts.

790 16:23 / 13.01.2020
The next edition of Musaposhaf Sharif, published by aposHilol Nashrapos, will be available on January 11, 2020 at 09.00.Price 35000 sumsYou can buy from stores of aposHilol Nashrapos publishing houses and on our online sales page at www.kitoblardunyosi.uzNote The online sale of Musaposhaf Sharif is more...

1041 08:28 / 11.01.2020
The first group of pilgrims from Tatarstan in 2020 makes the umra in Mecca, according to the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan. Believers are accompanied by the kazy of the southeast of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Hazrat Mardanshin and the Imam Khatyb of the Kazan more...

839 16:48 / 10.01.2020
The twostory mosque has been built on an area of more than ten thousand square meters. It has a prayer hall, public library, residences for imams of mosque, and parking lots for 153 cars.Constructed based on Islamic architecture, the mosque provides different services to the people of the region, more...

882 09:36 / 09.01.2020
On January 7, 2020 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the 44th round meeting of the Supreme Council of the World Islamic Union began. The press service of the Committee on Religious Affairs reported.The scholars, muftis, statesmen and religious leaders, as well as heads of international Islamic organizations more...

1046 13:31 / 08.01.2020
As one of the largest and most diverse Islamic conventions in North America, the MASICNA Convention was launched at McCormick Place, the largest convention center in the region, and was set to continue through Dec. 29.The threedayconvention, one of the programs gathering tens of thousands of more...

785 16:43 / 03.01.2020
Different interpretations of Quran including Tasnim Exegesis, AlHaddad Exegesis in Arabic, AlKitab AlAziz AlKunouz, AlJami`, Jawahir AlSamim, AhsanolHadith, Kawthar, AlMizan and interpretations adopted from Imam Khomeini`s RA works in 5 volumes as well as Quranic calligraphy works, Quran more...

893 10:07 / 30.12.2019
December 27 was another joyous day for the aposHilol nashrapos publishing house and Muslims of our country. The fact is that our publishing house has started to publish a new edition of the Holy Quran Mushafi Sharif.This publication was prepared by aposHilol nashrapos, led by Ismail Muhammad more...

1090 10:32 / 28.12.2019
Sheikh Mohammed Adnan ibn Yasin Darwish, a famous allama, was born on November 17, 1970 in Damascus, Syria.bull Graduate Degree from Azhari Sharif University sharia and law and Masteraposs Degree usulul fiqh, holds a doctoral degree in usulul fiqh bull Mudarris at Sabahuddin Zaaposim Mosque in more...

1705 09:32 / 27.12.2019
According to the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, Mohammad Ali Rabbani, the Iranian cultural attache in New Delhi who was invited by Naqawi, head of the college, to participate in the academic program, presented a speech on the theme.He said that the objective of the Holy Prophet`s peace more...

772 13:33 / 24.12.2019
Anas ibn Malik radiallahu anhu reported Allahaposs Messenger peace be upon him having said on the day of Nahr SacrificeHe who slaughtered the animal as a sacrifice before the aposId prayer, should repeat it i. e. offer another animal. Thereupon a person stood up and said Messenger of Allah, that is more...