1446 year 23 Рамазон | 2025 year 23 march, sunday
Abu Hurairah radiallahu anhu reportedThe Prophet peace be upon him said, quotHe will not enter Jannah whose neighbour is not secure from his wrongful conductquot.Anyone who does evil to his neighbors and they fear his evil, he will not enter Jannah. This hadith shows that it is necessary to improve the relations with neighbors and not to offend them.

1214 10:37 / 18.06.2020
Abu Sa`id AlKhudri radiallahu anhu reportedWhile we were travelling with the Prophet peace be upon him, a rider came and began to stare on the right and on the left. The Prophet peace be upon him, said, aposaposHe who has an extra mount should hand it over to one who has none, and he who possesses more...

1448 10:02 / 09.06.2020
Abu Huraira radiallahu anhu reportedThe Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said. He who takes a bath on Friday, the bath which is obligatory after the sexual discharge and then goes to the mosque, he is like one who offers a shecamel as a sacrifice, and he who comes at the second hour would be more...

659 10:38 / 05.06.2020
Narrated Muadh bin Jabal radiallahu anhuThe Prophet peace be upon him said, quotO Muadh Do you know what Allahaposs Right upon His slaves isquot I said, quotAllah and His Apostle know best.quot The Prophet peace be upon him said, quotTo worship Him Allah Alone and to join none in worship with Him more...

1524 16:55 / 04.06.2020
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr radiallahu anhuOnce the Prophet peace be upon him remained behind us in a journey. He joined us while we were performing ablution for the prayer which was overdue. We were just passing wet hands over our feet and not washing them properly so the Prophet peace be upon him more...

950 17:05 / 28.05.2020
Zainab bint Jahsh radiallahu anho, the wife of Allahaposs Apostle peace be upon him, reported that one day Allahaposs Messenger peace be upon him came out in a state of excitement with his face quite red. And he was sayingThere is no god but Allah there is a destruction in store for Arabia because more...

661 10:21 / 27.05.2020
Aaposisha radiallahu anho reported that Allahaposs Messenger peace be upon him was with her and she heard the voice of a person seeking permission to enter the house of Hafsa. Aaposisha radiallahu anho saidAllahaposs Messenger, he is the person who seeks permission to enter your house, whereupon more...

1054 10:28 / 13.05.2020
Anas radiallahu anhu reported that some of the Companions of Allahaposs Apostle peace be upon him asked his the Prophetaposs wives about the acts that he performed in private. Someone among them among his Companions saidI will not marry women someone among them said I will not eat meat and someone more...

1626 16:51 / 07.05.2020
Ibn Umar radiallahu anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah observed fasts uninterruptedly in Ramadan and the people in his wake did this. But he forbade them to do so. It was said to him to the Holy ProphetYou yourself observe the fasts uninterruptedly but you forbid us to do so Upon this he said I am not like you I am fed and supplied drink by Allah.

861 17:56 / 05.05.2020
The Quran specifically mentions water as the basic element of life. Indeed. Allah Taala says in the Quranaposapos... And We made from water every living thing.aposapos Surah alAnbiya, 30Scientific experiments have shown that water is the main element of the human body, accounting for seventysix more...

1074 17:25 / 30.04.2020
Abdullah ibn Umar radiallahu anhum reported from his father that while he was addressing the people on Friday sermon, a person, one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, entered the mosque. Umar said to him loudlyWhat is this hour for attending the prayer He said I was busy more...

1693 10:38 / 24.04.2020
It is reported on the authority of Talha ibn Ubaidullah radiallahu anhum that a person with dishevelled hair, one of the people of Nejd, came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. We heard the humming of his voice but could not fully discern what he had been saying, till he came nigh to the more...

712 16:20 / 23.04.2020
Anas ibn Malik radiallahu anhu reported Allahaposs Messenger peace be upon him having said on the day of Nahr SacrificeHe who slaughtered the animal as a sacrifice before the aposId prayer, should repeat it i. e. offer another animal. Thereupon a person stood up and said Messenger of Allah, that is more...