As it is known, yesterday the guests led by hadith teacher, thinker, scholar and critic Sheikh Mufti Abdullah bin Omar Bashir Marufi al-Azami al-Hindi started to visit Uzbekistan. Today, on November 9, 2019, they visited 'Hilol nashr' publishing house, established by Sheikh Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf. The guests were welcomed by Ismail Muhammad Sodiq, the chief imam of the Sheikh Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf Mosque, the head of the 'Hilol nashr' publishing house and the portal. During the visit, the guests, led by Sheikh Mufti Abdullah ibn Omar Bashir Marufi, got acquainted with the printing house, creative team and book shop.
Then they visited the Sheikh Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf Complex. Guests entered the magnificently completed mosque and then visited the Complex Library. From there, they strolled to the conference hall of the complex with warm impressions.
Following the visit to complex, the guests led by the Sheikh Mufti Abdullah Marufi, visited the Hasti Imam (Hazrati Imam) complex on Karasaray Street in Tashkent, where they visited Usman Mus'haf. Then the tomb of Abu Bakr Kaffal Shashi rahimahullah was visited.
Then they visited the Tashkent Islamic Institute named after Imam Bukhari. During the visit, a meeting was held with the students studying at the Insitute. During the meeting, the hadith scholar and critic Sheikh Mufti Abdullah Marufi gave a lecture on the science of hadith. The guests of the event presented books to the library of the Institute as gift . At the end of the meeting, the guests and students made dua.