On October 10, Mevlana Nematullah Azami hafizahullah began his visit from Hasti Imam (Hazrati Imam) complex on Karasaray Street in Tashkent, where he visited the Mus'hafi Usman, a museum-library.
Then the tomb of Abu Bakr Qaffal Shashi rahimahullah was visited.
They then visited the Sheikh Zayniddin cemetery in Kukcha area of Shaykhantahur District in Tashkent. The tomb of the Noble Sheikh Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf rahimahullah was visited there.
Thus, the visit of great thinker, Mevlana Nematullah Azami hafizahullah, especially to our country - Uzbekistan, our holy places - is remembered.
So the visit of the great scholar Mevlana Nematullah Azami to Uzbekistan ended.
Editorial of islom.uz portal