Abu Saeed radiallahu anhu reported:
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "Allah said: 'Whoever is too busy with the Quran for remembering Me and asking Me, then I shall give him more than what I give to those who ask.' And the virtue of Allah's Speech over the speech of others is like the virtue of Allah over His creation.
Commentary: This hadith is Qudsi. Because the Prophet peace be upon him transmits what Allah said in His speech. A man could not pray for his own needs by reciting the Quran and remembering Allah. He had his needs it. However, he was concerned with reciting the Quran or with the remembrance of Allah and could not ask his own needs from Allah.
Allah would give that person something better than what whose asked from Him crying. Imagine that! What a difference between Allah and His Creature! It's hard to imagine. Allah is the Most High. Creatures are trivial.
The Holy Quran, the word of Allah, is also so high and so superior to other words. It's hard to imagine that. Muslims must praise Allah for the Quran.