About hadith scholar Sheikh Abdullah Marufi
The hadith teacher, hadith scholar and critic Sheikh Mufti Abdullah ibn Omar Bashir Marufi al-A'zamiy al-Hindi is one of the closest scholars in the field of hadith science and the names of the Rijal and is now a hadith teacher at the University of Darul Ulum Deoband.
He was born in 1386 hijri in Pura Ma'ruf city, Utra Pradesh Province, India. He received his primary education at the 'Ishaatil Ulum' Madrassah in his village. He then entered the 'Islah Madrassah' in 'Saray mir' and enrolled in 'Azam Jarra' management. In 1406 hijri he graduated from Darul Ulum Deoband University. He then graduated from the same university in 1407 hijri, a department of fiqh and fatwa.
After graduating from Dorul Ulum he has been a teacher at the Islamic University Panarasi for eight years. In 1415 hijri, he was appointed assistant teacher of the Hadith Department at Mazahir Ulum Sahanwar, India. While teaching at Mazahir Ulum, he was inseparable from great thinker, critic, intellectual owner, the hadith teacher and the head of the hadith specialty department at Mazahir Ulum Sahanwar University India Zainul Obidin al-Azami (died 1435 hijri). He worked for five consecutive years, then in 1421 hijri he was a teacher in the hadith section at Darul Ulum Deoband University.
Sheikh Marufi has written several books on the science of hadith. This shows that he is skilled in the science of hadith.