1446 year 24 Рамазон | 2025 year 24 march, monday

Belief in the Prophets

10:16 / 09.04.2020 843 Reading mode + -

Believing in the Prophets of Allah is also a very wise action. It is a great honor for mankind that Allah has chosen His prophet from among men. The chain (silsila) of prophets from Adam to Muhammad peace be upon him is the chain of honor for mankind. The Prophets peace be upon them are the persons of honor and pride for mankind. They are the ones who conveyed the instructions of the Lord of the worlds to the people. They are all servants of the one Allah, the prophets of the one Allah. They are brothers to each other. They have been completing and endorsing each other. Through them, it is understood that humanity is of one origin, worships one Allah and acts one religion.

Therefore, it is fard in Islam to believe in all of them equally, without distinguishing between them.Whoever denies any of the Prophets becomes a disbeliever, as if he denied all the Prophets.

Each of the Prophets peace be upon them is an example for mankind in the field of goodness and virtue. Each of them is a beacon of hidayat. The last of them, Muhammad peace be upon him, is an example to all until the Day of Resurrection. Mankind today is in dire need of imitating the prophets. For this, it is necessary to respect them and  believe them as Islam has shown. Because other religions and ideologies other than Islam do not have this feature.

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