1446 year 23 Рамазон | 2025 year 23 march, sunday

Guidance and mercy for the believers

09:35 / 09.09.2019 858 Reading mode + -

Allah says in Surah Yunus:

‘’ O people! There has come to you advice from your Lord, and healing for what is in the hearts, and guidance and mercy for the believers.’’ (Verse 57)

O people! Don't say the Quran fake! Don't say that the Quran was invented by so-and-so! Do not doubt it.

He has given you the advices, exhortations, and instructions you need for the happiness of the two worlds.

It is not a simple book but a revelation from your Lord

It has come as healing to all of your spiritual ailments in your heart.

Whoever believes in the Quran and becomes a Muslim, it will guide that person to the mercy of Allah.

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