Ikrimah bin Salamh narrated:
There were two brothers from among the sons of Mughirah. One of them swore an oath to set a slave free if the other one fixed a piece of wood to his wall. Mujammi bin Yazid and many men from among the Ansar came and said: “We bear witness that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: 'None of you should refuse to let his neighbor fix a piece of wood to his wall.' ” He said: 'O my brother, judgment has been passed in your favor against me, but I have sworn an oath.' So go ahead and fix your wood to my wall.”
Ibn Abbas radiallahu anhu reported Allahaposs Apostle peace be upon him as sayingIf the people were given according to their claims, they would claim the lives of persons and their properties, but the oath must be taken by the defendant.
748 10:56 / 08.06.2020
Narrated Anas radiallahu anhuWhenever drought threatened them, `Umar bin AlKhattab, used to ask AlAbbas bin Abdul Muttalib to invoke Allah for rain. He used to say, quotO Allah We used to ask our Prophet to invoke You for rain, and You would bless us with rain, and now we ask his uncle to invoke You for rain. O Allah Bless us with rain.quot And so it would rain.
792 13:21 / 27.01.2020
Narrated Abu Huraira radiallahu anhuA man came to Allahaposs Messenger peace be upon him and said, quotO Allahaposs Messenger peace be upon him Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by mequot The Prophet peace be upon him said, quotYour mother.quot The man said. quotWho is
794 14:11 / 02.03.2020
Ibn Abbas narratedThe Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace said quotAllahaposs Hand is with the Jamaah.quot
1860 13:04 / 25.11.2019