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The wonders of olive oil

10:09 / 14.10.2019 1288 Reading mode + -

Olives are the fruits that grow on the olive tree, which comes from the Oleaceae family. They contain a single pit and their flesh is filled with oil. The ripe fruits are pressed to extract the oil.

Green and black olives are essentially the same olive and only vary in the degree of ripeness- black being the most ripe.

Olive oil consists of 75% heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and only 13% saturated fat. It contains active compounds such as oleocanthal, which has a strong anti-inflammatory action to fight heart-disease and cancer. It also contains the natural antioxidants polyphenols, whose beneficial effects include lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and the risk of coronary heart disease. Many other nut and seed oils have no polyphenols whatsoever.

Health Benefits

Cancer PreventionEvidence suggests that olive and olive oil consumption as part of a healthy Mediterranean diet has cancer-protective properties. Research also found that active ingredients in olive oil prevented human colon cancer cells from multiplying.

A study published in 2007 in the Journal of Nutrition found that introducing moderate consumption of olive oil in the diet reduced systolic blood pressure.

Olive oil Facts

For the highest antioxidant content, choose extra-virgin or virgin olive oil- these are the least processed forms.

Extra-virgin comes from the first pressing of the olives and has a superior taste.

Virgin olive oil is obtained by pressing the crushed fruit in bags and removing the oil. It has a geeenish tint and has a stronger taste than virgin olive oil.

Olive oils with labels such as ‘refined oil’ ‘pomace olive oil’ or ‘light oil’ should be avoided as they are not always 100% olive oil. Pomace is the ground flesh and pits after pressing.

Use olive oil for low-temperature cooking. The particles in the oil will burn at higher temperatures, thus burning off the many health benefits.

Store your olive oil away from heat and light to maintain phytochemical content.

Source: Healthymuslim

By: Editorial of islom.uz portal

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