It was revealed in Medina. It consists of 5 verses. The name of this Surah is also derived from the word ''Qadr'' in its first verse, or rather from the ''Laylatul Qadr''. The fact that this blessed night is called "Qadr" has two meanings. The first is dignity, the second is the decree, or rather the fixing of fate of slaves. Because that Laylatul Qadr is a great night. Laylatul Qadr is the night in which the fate of the people is determined. From the beginning to the end, this surah is devoted to the blessed night of Laylatul Qadr.
There are special holidays in Islam. One of them is the Feast of Laylatul Qadr. Because that the Holy Quran began to be revealed that night. At this feast, they pray for the purification of the heart and the purification of their conscience. To draw close to Allah, we are awake all night and praying without sleep at this night.
In Surah al-Qadr, Allah reminds Muslims that Allah has revealed the great blessing He has bestowed on them, the Quran that brought them out of darkness into light.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. We sent it down on the Night of Decree.
The sending of the Quran mentioned in this verse is the sending down from the Lavhul Mahfuz into the sky of the world. This meaning is narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas. This ayah clearly states that the event was on the night of Laylatul Qadr . The Holy Quran was revealed in devine from the sky of the world to the Prophet (peace blessings of Allah be upon him) for twenty-three years. So the meaning of this verse is that we sent down the Quran from Lavhul Mahfuz into the sky of this world on the night of Laylatul Qadr.
2. But what will convey to you what the Night of Decree is?
That is, it is difficult to comprehend its truth and virtue. So we will tell it by ourselves.
3. The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.
Because the Quran was revealed that night, and the worship of that night is better than a thousand months of worship.
4. In it descend the angels and the Spirit, by the leave of their Lord, with every command.
The meaning of the "Spirit" in this verse is Gabriel. On the night of Laylatul Qadr, the angels, led by Gabriel, descend on the works that Allah has decreed for the next year. This is also an act that honors the night of Laylatul Qadr.
5. Peace it is; until the rise of dawn.
That is, Laylatul Qadr is a night of peace until dawn. Therein the angels greet the believers. In it, Allah bestows peace upon people. The scholars used the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in determining the night: "On the twenty-seventh night of Ramadan." Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever is sleepless up the night of Laylatul Qadr with faith and hope, will have his sins forgiven. This night will be followed by prayer, asking for forgiveness and reciting the Qur'an.