1446 year 26 Рамазон | 2025 year 26 march, wednesday

Ihsan: Quest for Beauty and Excellence

14:46 / 31.01.2020 758 Reading mode + -

A marketplace is generally defined by competition. That’s the domain of justice. As a businessman, one’s effort to attract buyers in a conscientious and ethical manner is a reflection of fairness. Now consider the story of a Muslim merchant. A customer saw that a seller has what he wants to buy and so entered the shop. When he asked to buy it, the seller politely asked him to buy it from a neighboring store run by a Jew. Both intrigued and annoyed, he did so and bought the item at the same price. Puzzled at the first merchant’s behavior, on his way back he entered the first shop and asked for an explanation. The first merchant said that he was already satisfied with his sales for the day but had noticed that his neighbor hadn’t been so lucky, Therefore, he had tried to help him out.

This is ihsan, doing good things out of concern for the well-being of others, a practice that brings out the best in us, helps us move closer to God and thus cherish each human being’s inherent beauty and excellence. Doesn’t that help us understand and appreciate the principle and the value enshrined in: “Could the reward of ihsan be anything other than ihsan?” (Surah ar-Rahman, 60). For all of us who hope for ihsan from Allah on the Day of Judgment, let’s appreciate, embrace, and practice it in our own lives so that our words and deeds reflect Islam’s beauty and excellence.

Source: Islamicity

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